
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Random Shit With Franklin (ret) : Why Battlefield 3 is going to be better than any COD game...ever

Alright, I know a lot of people out there love “COD” or “MW” or “Black Ops” or what the fuck ever title you want to call one of the 8 Call of Duty titles.  I know, most people only know about  7 of them however there was a ds or mobile title or something out there that usually isn’t included. Anyway, for some reason that generally escapes me everyone loves the shit out of these games. Granted, there are some cool parts in MW (Modern Warfare) and MW2 (Modern Warfare 2…duh), but the games are relatively the same. Not so much so between MW and MW2, but Black Ops is pretty much MW2 reskinned in Vietnam.  The new one is coming out in November as usual (COD title comes out once a year) and I’m sure there are plenty of you that are very excited. I’m here to tell you about a game that is going to kick the COD gameplay square in the nuts.

That my friends is actual gameplay footage from Battlefield 3. I know at face value it is hard to see the difference, a bunch of Marines running around shooting stuff, explosions, yada yada yada. There is a significant difference between the two though. Several things are different between the COD series and the battlefield series. The Battlefield series has always been about big open battlefields. What I mean by this is the fact that if there is a vehicle, typically you can get in it and fight people. Tanks, Jets, humvees, and stuff like that. The most recent incarnations of Battlefield, the Bad Company series, removed the jets. None the less they are still pretty bad ass games. Here is a list of stuff you can do in the Bad Company series that you can’t do in MW or any other COD game.

Drive Vehicles and not through some dumbass kill streak

Yeah, tanks, helicopters, atvs, and various other vehicles that you can bring the pain to people in. This isn’t even Battlefield 3, this is Bad Company 2 that came out in March of 2010 and Still infinitely more badass than Black Ops.

Destructible, well, pretty much everything

So, you can destroy pretty much everything in this game. If there is a sniper in the upstairs of the building and you can’t get a shot on him, blow it up. People run inside to hide? Shoot the building with a rocket/tank/grenade launcher, problem solved.

    More realistic combat

I know these are just games, I know that they aren’t meant to be 100% realistic, but I just feel like its time and always has been time for a more realistic type of shooter that can appeal to the masses. I can’t stand when you shoot someone in the head and they have a “perk” that makes it so they have a last stand, or they just drop a grenade. It doesn’t make sense. I mean really, in the time that 5.56 nato ripped through your frontal lobe and exited the rear of your skull you were somehow able to upholster your secondary weapon aim and me and shoot? Bullshit, there is not shit like that in Battlefield. There also is none of this dumbass RC car strapped with c4. One of the other great things about this game is that there is semi-realistic bullet drop.  For those of you who do not understand what bullet drop is, I will explain.  There are many things that affect a bullet once it is fired out of a weapon. At certain distances they do not affect the bullet a whole lot. But for shots that are at a significant distance a number of different variables come into play. Things like gravity, wind, the Earth’s rotation, stuff like that. That is why snipers are so bad ass, they have to calculate all this shit before they shoot. In Battlefield, they take it this into consideration, kind of. Granted, you don’t have to sit there and do a trig problem before you take a shot at someone, but you do have to aim a certain distance above someone if they are far away and you also have to lead them if they are running (leading them means shooting in front of them, shooting where you will think they will be by the time the bullet gets there).

1.)    The UAV is actually cool

The UAV in Bad Company 2 is a unmanned helicopter that rains death on people. It’s not just the unarmed bullshit you get in COD. There is no time limit on it either. If you can pilot the bitch better than I can refuse a free drink, then you will be able to do some serious damage. 

1.)    The Frostbite 2 game engine

The Frostbite 2 engine is the engine that the game runs off of. There are a lot of different game engines out there like, HavoK, Unreal, and the CryeEngine. There are tons more, but that is just a few of the bigger ones. The new Frostbite 2 engine is the Frostbite 1 engine rebuilt from the ground up. It allows for realistic building destruction, explosions, lighting, environmental actions, things like that. This engine looks amazing, I mean, I don’t have to tell you, just see the Battlefield 3 trailer at the top of the page.  If you search online you can see some of the demos using the new engine or if you want you can just watch the Battlefield 3 trailers.
                All in all, Battlefield will change the way multiplayer games are played just like Battlefield 2 did. E3 is coming up at the beginning of June so there will be a whole lot of gameplay and other videos from the expo. It is going to be awesome and I will keep you updated as the show releases stuff. I hope this changes your mind, if it doesn’t, well fuck you. 

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