
Friday, May 13, 2011

Franklin (ret) and Some Random Shit

Hey everybody, a lot has changed since the last post I did. I am no longer an undergrad and I have moved on to continue my education on the master’s level. ~waits for round of applause~ Why thank you, all of you are too kind. I’m just kidding, you probably didn’t applaud, probably couldn’t take your dick beaters away from pleasuring yourself to do so. I get it, it’s addicting. As scintillating as this tangent is, personal desecration is not the topic of discussion for this blog post. Since I have graduated I have had a reasonable amount of time to reflect on the various bits of knowledge I acquired over the four years I attended the undergraduate level of higher education. So, I feel it is necessary to share them with you! I know, I know, you are all so overwhelmed with joy you can’t even contain yourselves. So, here it is, instead of Franklin’s Rant, I’m going to just write about random shit and hopefully give you something entertaining to read. If not, well, I’ll be glad I wasted a portion of your life. Also, if you have any questions that you would like me or anyone of the bros to answer post them on the facebook brobrobrodude fan page and we will address them here. I would like some suggestions or questions as to what you think we should write about on the blog! You can ask the question to one of us specifically or pick one of the bros to answer your question.

As some of you may know, I do not believe in any sort of god. I mean literally none at all. I think that it is an absurd concept and all it does is control how people function in day to day life. I also think that it is a form of social control for the masses that has been carried on for far too long. So, I think you should try and prove me wrong. You post a comment as to why you think there is a God and I will respond back in a paragraph arguing against what you have to say. But, maybe, you'll come up with some point that I cannot post a valid argument against. I mean post anything you want to. I want some sort of community interaction. Defend your faith! Tell me why you believe and I will give you reasons why you shouldn’t. I hope I get some good responses, cause religion is weak son.

F(ret) Out!