What's up fuckers? Its been about a week since I wrote anything and I felt it necessary to enlighten you ignorant bucket heads. This rant will be about the complete stupidity of racism and any form of discrimination.
Racism- noun
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
This can be applied to other things, like Sex, Religion, and other things that separate one human from another.
Why racism against blacks is stupid- look, genetically, humanity has not been around long enough to have evolved to separate us from one another. All of the differences that people have from one another are purely aesthetic. "BuT, FanKlIn, whaAt abut NBA and NFL? MoSt of them r all blacck, rigHt?" Yes, that is true cock spanker, the majority of the professional athletes are African American. Hence, the assumption is that in some way African Americans are physically superior. The answer to this is buried deep in that history book you rip pages out of to roll joints. Slavery, slavery is the reason why there are so many talented black athletes. During the times of slavery, only the best strongest of both genders were brought over to the "land of the free" and they bread them like or fucking animals. So, after years of that you have people who are strong and capable. There is no extra tendon or whatever other bullshit some fucks like you believe, it is exactly what I said it was.
Why Hating Muslims is fucking dumb like you- "Wait, Wait, Wait, Frnklin, U likE Arabs? What r U, sum kinda terrrrrist?!" No you insolent buffoon, I am not a terrorist. If your pedestrian mind can wrap itself around the extra large helping of knowledge I'm going to throw at you, then maybe, maybe you will understand. I highly doubt that but, I'm going to do it anyway because I'm fucking awesome and I believe in mental charity. Not all Muslims are terrorists, furthermore, not all Muslims are fucking Arab. Wow, did you catch that? Maybe it was too fast for you so I'll retort. Not all Muslims are terrorists and not all Muslims are fucking Arab.
Countries With The Largest Muslim Populations (2009):
Country Number of Muslims
Indonesia 203 million
Pakistan 174 million
India 161 million
Bangladesh 145 million
Egypt 79 million
Nigeria 78 million
Iran 74 million
Turkey 74 million
Algeria 34 million
Morocco 32 million
Iraq 30 million
Sudan 30 million
Afghanistan 28 million
Ethiopia 28 million
Uzbekistan 26 million
Saudi Arabia 25 million
Yemen 23 million
China 22 million
Syria 20 million
Russia 16 million
You see that. Iraq doesn't even make the top ten asshole. Most Muslims aren't from the Middle East. Furthermore, we are only at War in one country from the Middle East (Hint: Afghanistan isn't the Middle East). Those numbers up there aren't even all of the Muslims in the world, it's still a lot of fucking people though. All of them couldn't be terrorists or else we would be fucked. World wide it is estimated that less than one percent of Muslims are Islamic Fundamentalists or extremists (this means terrorist doucher). Why? Because the word Islam itself means peace. "But Fanklin, Teh Koran tells muslms to Kill white people!" No, it doesn't. Any religion can be skewed to tell people to do things. Bible doesn't tell Christians to blow up abortion clinics, Catholicism doesn't tell preach for priests to rape children. People do it anyway. So shut the fuck up.
Homophobia...shut up- So, you don't like Homosexuals because they like guys and may or may not hit on you. Also, you think of homosexuals raping people in the ass and molesting children. HA HA HA, most of the pedophiles that rape children profess to be heterosexual. Another aspect to look at is, why the fuck do you even give a shit what they do? I mean really, is your life so fucked that you have to hate someone else because of who they choose to date/love or whatever? The energy that you expend being a homophobe could be directed towards something more productive, like figuring out a way to wipe you existence from the pages of human history. It baffles me when I hear someone say, "If a fag ever came up and hit on me I'd knock them the fuck out!". Why? if anything why wouldn't you say "I'm not gay" and the situation would be done. If anything you should probably flattered at the fact that both sexes find you attractive. But, you are stupid, how could I possibly have any fleeting hope that you could comprehend anything I just said.
Racism towards whites, or reverse racism...fuck- When black people are racist towards white people I just don't really get it. I mean, to a point I can understand not liking someone because they are racist, but all white people? I think that one of the most common reasons for racism towards whites is "Their ancestors enslaved my people" . What? what the fuck do you care that someone 200 years ago was enslaved by a white person, furthermore you don't know who that white person is related to. Bottom line you don't know, and if you did then what the fuck is the difference? They (the decedent of the slave owner) probably has no idea that their ancestor owned slaves. Chances are the person isn't racist, so why punish them for the actions of those people back then? It doesn't make sense at all...Oh and if it means so fucking much then why do black people (Not all black people mind you) condone a word that was used to oppress our ancestors. Rappers and other entertainment people use the words quite frequently in songs, and everyday speech. It is a travesty that "Nigga" is basically on the verge of becoming socially acceptable to say. I stand back and cannot fathom how society has gotten to this point, Fucking pathetic.
"Illegal Immigrants"- I cannot understand why people hate a group of people because they are trying to get to another country to better their lives and that of their family. "But frankliN, tey r taken jobs from ameriKans!" No mother fuck, last time I checked you weren't signing up to pick strawberries out of a field for 12hrs or work in some back kitchen of a dive restaurant. No...
Well that's all I feel like typing right now, Until next time
F- out